Published Articles

Tunnell’s subject matter experts have written a number of informative pieces. Here are a sampling of articles that have been published in leading industry publications.

The Art of Coaching and Mentoring in Life Sciences Manufacturing

The Art of Coaching and Mentoring in Life Sciences Manufacturing

Jens Kuhn co-authors: Recent successes in therapeutics for Ebola virus disease: no time for complacency

Jens Kuhn co-authors: Recent successes in therapeutics for Ebola virus disease: no time for complacency

Build CMO Relationships with Effective Management Practices

Build CMO Relationships with Effective Management Practices

Contract service providers offer vital services to bio/pharma companies of all sizes

Advocates For AI In The Laggard Life Sciences

Advocates For AI In The Laggard Life Sciences

Kip Wolf discusses how a lack of coordination and strategy could hamstring the value of AI investments

Canaries In A Coal Mine: Can Better Data Integrity Thwart A Looming Deepfake Threat?

Canaries In A Coal Mine: Can Better Data Integrity Thwart A Looming Deepfake Threat?

Data Integrity In A Cloud-Based World: Regulations & Best Practices

Data Integrity In A Cloud-Based World: Regulations & Best Practices

To begin, it is important to understand that data quality and data integrity are not the same thing.

Implementing Data Quality By Design For Improved Data Integrity

Implementing Data Quality By Design For Improved Data Integrity

The Global Supply Chain in a Public Health Emergency

The Global Supply Chain in a Public Health Emergency

Rick Ruiz discusses the global supply chain ecosystem during a public health emergency.

Rick Ruiz discusses the global supply chain ecosystem during a public health emergency.

The Future Of Life Sciences Regulation: Adapt Or Die

The Future Of Life Sciences Regulation: Adapt Or Die

People: The Most Persistent Risk To Data Integrity

People: The Most Persistent Risk To Data Integrity

Kip Wolf examines the individual impacts of People, Process, and Technology In Data Integrity

As Trade War Continues, Pharma Companies Prepare for Alternatives

As Trade War Continues, Pharma Companies Prepare for Alternatives

Bill Connell discusses the longer term impact of trade tariffs on life sciences.

eBook: Data Integrity on the Life Sciences

eBook: Data Integrity on the Life Sciences

A collection of Data Integrity articles by Kip Wolf.

A collection of Data Integrity articles by Kip Wolf.

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